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Integrated planning made practical

Where We Work

Our experience in developing Theories of Change for strategy and as a management tool enables us to play critical roles in landscape planning for the sustainable use and/or conservation of natural resources in any landscape. Our clients include those wanting to improve protected area management; private sector clients ensuring that projects are undertaken sustainably; or supporting government decision-making through input into planning and recommendations.

How We Work: Service

Negros forests, Philippines

Conserving the last forests on Negros through supporting local people

Benoué National Park, Cameroon

Supporting protected area management in North Region, Cameroon

Central Magdalena Valley, Colombia

Development planning after the Peace Process

National Nature Parks, Hubei, China

Creating a plan for sustainable park management

Managing Live Confiscations

Working with countries to help address the illegal wildlife trade by building the capacity of managing authorities to manage confiscated, live animals and plants

Supporting communities in sustainable development around a World Heritage Site

Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon

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